martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Under that cloud / Bajo esa nube

Estos dias han sido de inspiración y me he encontrado con piezas increibles, me encantan las cosas que en cuanto se descontextualizan generan algo. Tal es el caso de unos brazaletes hechos con pequeñas cuentas de cristal (chaquiras para mi) por Caroline Broadhead. Estos brazaletes fueron hechos para una exposición Under that cloud, curada por Jo bloxham y se hizo cuando el cielo Europe se cubrio de cenizas (ver mas de esta historia

Los dejo con estos divertidos brazaletes.

Que pasen un buen dia!!!!

This last days had been inspiring days, because i had found amazing pieces, i love things that as soon as they are out of context, usually turns out in to something. This is the story of some amazing braceletes i had found with small glass beads(i call them chaquiras ) by Caroline Broadhead. This braceletes were made for an art exhibition Under that cloud, curator Jo Bloxham, this was conceved during the time in which the European sky was covered in ashes (see more of this story

Please check this bracelets out.

Have a nice day!!!

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